Diagnosis of thrombosis

Venous thrombosis (deep vein thrombosis and pulmonary embolism) is a frequent and potentially fatal condition. Throughout the clinical course of venous thrombosis, several choices regarding diagnostic and therapeutic management must be tailored to the individual patient to achieve optimal treatment results.

Focus on making a difference for patients

Our research activities focus on making the best management decisions throughout the entire patient pathway. We lead and participate in large national and international clinical trials within the Dutch Thrombosis Network, PEITHO network and INVENT VTE. Studies that are performed within our research group all have a very clear focus on solving current uncertainties in clinical decision making and improving long-term quality of life. The results of these studies  change international guidelines and clinical practice.

Focus on making a difference for patients

Our research activities focus on making the best management decisions throughout the entire patient pathway. We lead and participate in large national and international clinical trials within the Dutch Thrombosis Network, PEITHO network and INVENT VTE. Studies that are performed within our research group all have a very clear focus on solving current uncertainties in clinical decision making and improving long-term quality of life. The results of these studies  change international guidelines and clinical practice.

Innovation in care for patients with venous thrombosis

Diagnosing venous thrombosis may be complex and time consuming. In our diagnostic trials, we develop novel algorithms and imaging strategies that help confirming the diagnosis faster, more efficient and with more accuracy.

Team Members

  • Dr. M.V. Huisman, Internist-Vascular Medicine
  • Dr. F.A. Klok, Internist-Vascular Medicine
  • H.J. Kaptein, MD – PhD fellow
  • M.M. de Jong, MD – PhD fellow
  • Luijten, MD - PhD fellow
  • S.L. Martens, MD - PhD fellow
  • S.F.B. van der Horst, MD - PhD fellow