
Musculoskeletal radiology (oncology and rheumatology)

We are a tertiary referral center for bone and soft tissue sarcomas with a dedicated multidisciplinary team focusing on genomics and radiomics within the LCCO. As radiologists we are working together internationally on several bone and soft tissue tumors, for example using radiomics for prediction of (neoadjuvant) treatment response and on MR techniques such as diffusion weighted imaging in sarcoma.

Furthermore, rheumatology research is focused on the role of MRI in early detection of rheumatological diseases in order to treat early and prevent damage.

Our goals for the near future are to implement structured reporting for bone and soft tissue tumors, so that data can be drafted from radiology reports directly into the MDT form and used for (big data/radiomics) research, in combination with histopathology data.

In addition, we aim to make updated response evaluation criteria for Ewing sarcoma and osteosarcoma based on advanced MRI (diffusion weighted imaging and perfusion) and volumetric analyses.

In RA, we aim to implement AI for automated reading of joint inflammation on conventional MRI.

Miscellaneous research projects

The MSK section is working together with the surgery department on the “Sarcopenia project”: a CT-based project that evaluates preoperative muscle and fat measurements as prognostic factors for postoperative complications following colorectal surgery.

The Centre for Bone Quality is part of the department of Internal Medicine of the LUMC, division Endocrinology and consists of a multidisciplinary collaboration of several subspecialties concerning patients with a disturbance in bone and mineral metabolism. We are working with endocrinology on SCCH (sternoclavicular hyperostosis) participating in the PAPS-studie (Pamidronate for Pain in Sternocostoclavicular Hyperostosis). The aim of the study is to gain more insight into the efficacy of APD in patients with SCCH. For this we look at, among other things, the influence of treatment on pain, shoulder function, quality of life, influence on a partner or caregiver, blood values ​​and disease activity on a new bone scan.