
Inloggen met DigiD

Here you will find all the information regarding your appointments and treatment in one place. From an overview of your letters and test results to important information about your care plan. With this you can stay informed and we can work on your health together. You can also request repeat prescriptions and contact your healthcare provider there. As an LUMC patient, you have automatic access with your DigiD.

How does it work?

Watch the video (in Dutch) to see what you can do with mijnLUMC. You can use the automated subtitle translation option under settings to see the text in your language.

How does it work?


Probeert u in te loggen via de app? Dan kom u wel op deze pagina terecht, maar werkt de oranje knop 'Inloggen met DigiD' niet. Dit komt omdat de mijnLUMC app niet meer werkt. Hiermee kunt u niet meer inloggen.

Heeft u de app gedownload? Volg dan de volgende stappen:

  1. Sluit de app helemaal af.
  2. Verwijder de app van uw apparaat.
  3. Open uw internet (bijvoorbeeld via Google Chrome of Safari).
  4. Ga naar www.lumc.nl/mijnlumc . Let op, u komt dan weer op deze pagina waar u nu naar kijkt.
  5. Klik op de oranje knop 'Inloggen met DigiD'. U komt dan op de pagina van de overheid waar u kunt inloggen met uw DigiD.

Geef uw mening

Wij zijn benieuwd naar uw mening over het patiëntportaal mijnLUMC. Wilt u daarom deze enquête in te vullen? Met uw input kunnen we het patiëntportaal verbeteren. Het invullen kost een paar minuten van uw tijd en is anoniem.

Alvast hartelijk dank voor het invullen!

Personal health platform

A personal health platform (abbreviated in Dutch as PGO) is an app or website in which you, as a patient, collect medical data from various sources in one online place which you can share with health care providers. Such as with your doctor, the hospital or a therapist. In a PGO, you can also collect medical data yourself. For example, data that you measure yourself, such as your blood pressure values. This gives you a complete overview.

The difference between the patient portal mijnLUMC and a PGO, is that in a PGO all medical data from different healthcare providers is collected by you in one place.

A personal health platform (abbreviated in Dutch as PGO) is an app or website in which you, as a patient, collect medical data from various sources in one online place which you can share with health care providers. Such as with your doctor, the hospital or a therapist. In a PGO, you can also collect medical data yourself. For example, data that you measure yourself, such as your blood pressure values. This gives you a complete overview.

The difference between the patient portal mijnLUMC and a PGO, is that in a PGO all medical data from different healthcare providers is collected by you in one place.

The advantages of a PGO:

  • All data about your health in one place, under your control;
  • Self-control of your data;
  • You can use the PGO to securely connect with healthcare provider(s);
  • You choose a PGO that suits you.

More information about a PGO? Visit the Dutch website www.pgo.nl

What is a PGO (in Dutch)

Watch the video (in Dutch) to see what you can do with a PGO. You can use the automated subtitle translation option under settings to see the text in your language.

What is a PGO (in Dutch)