LUMC Research Awards

The LUMC aims to maximize the benefits of research by advancing fundamental knowledge and translating findings to the clinic and society in order to contribute to better prevention, improved health outcomes and economic prosperity.

C.J. Kok Prize

An annual amount is made available to the LUMC from the so-called C.J. Kok Fund. This fund is composed of the estate of Mr. C.J. Kok, who determined that the proceeds of his assets could be used to award “incentive performance rewards” to those at our university - both undergraduates and graduates - who have demonstrated a marked aptitude for mathematical or medical problems, particularly thinking about to the solution to complex issues in physics, chemistry, genetics, molecular biology, embryology, related fields of medical science, cosmology. He further determined that the assessment of the performances must be based on purely scientific grounds and that in certain cases an award may be accompanied by a binding assignment.

The Board of Directors has decided to interpret the term “incentive performance compensation” as meaning that candidates for the award must meet the following criteria:
• preferably younger than 40 or less than 10 years of age working as a scientific researcher
• preferably have not had any significant awards
• obtained a doctorate, but have not been appointed professor

Furthermore, it has been agreed that the phrase from the will: “”… .. those of our university - both students and graduates -…. ” is meant: everyone who is connected to our university in one way or another.
The prize consists of an amount of € 2500,-.

An annual amount is made available to the LUMC from the so-called C.J. Kok Fund. This fund is composed of the estate of Mr. C.J. Kok, who determined that the proceeds of his assets could be used to award “incentive performance rewards” to those at our university - both undergraduates and graduates - who have demonstrated a marked aptitude for mathematical or medical problems, particularly thinking about to the solution to complex issues in physics, chemistry, genetics, molecular biology, embryology, related fields of medical science, cosmology. He further determined that the assessment of the performances must be based on purely scientific grounds and that in certain cases an award may be accompanied by a binding assignment.

The Board of Directors has decided to interpret the term “incentive performance compensation” as meaning that candidates for the award must meet the following criteria:
• preferably younger than 40 or less than 10 years of age working as a scientific researcher
• preferably have not had any significant awards
• obtained a doctorate, but have not been appointed professor

Furthermore, it has been agreed that the phrase from the will: “”… .. those of our university - both students and graduates -…. ” is meant: everyone who is connected to our university in one way or another.
The prize consists of an amount of € 2500,-.

Laureate 2023

C.J. Kok Prize 2023 is awarded to Dr Simon Jochems (LUCID). The Selection Committee believes that Dr Simon Jochems is a brilliant researcher. The Committee was very impressed with his nomination and considers Dr Jochems to be a great laureate for this Prize.

2000: Dr. E.J. Snijder (Dept. Medical Microbiology)
2001: Dr. J.W. Jukema (Dept. Cardiology)
2002: Dr. J.P. Medema (Dept. Clinical Oncology)
2003: Dr. J.C.T. van Deutekom (Dept. Human Genetics)
2004: Dr. A.M.J.M. van den Maagdenberg (Dept. Human Genetics)
2005: Drs. M.R.M. Jongbloed (Dept. Cardiology)
2006: Dr. T. van Hall (Dept. IHB)
2007: Dr. J.V.M.G. Bovée (Dept. Pathology)
2008: Dr. J.D. Schuijf (Dept. Cardiology)
2009: Dr. S.A.R.B. Rombouts (Dept. Radiology)
2010: Dr R.J.L.F. Lemmers (Dept. Human Genetics)
2011: Dr J.J. Goeman (Dept. Medical Statistics and Bioinformatics)
2012: Dr H. van Attikum (Dept. Toxicogenetics)
2013: Dr F.W.B.van Leeuwen (Dept. Radiology)
2014: Dr W.K. Smits (Dept. Medical Microbiology)
2015: Dr D.J. van Westerloo (Dept. Intensive Care)
2016: Dr B. Everts (Dept. Parasitology)
2017: Dr S.M. Luijsterburg (Dept. Human Genetics)
2018: Dr S. Kooijman (Dept. IM-Endocrinology)
2019: Dr S.M. Noordermeer (Dept. Human Genetics)
2020: Dr N.F. de Miranda (Dept. Pathology)
2021: Dr J.W.M. Beenakker (Dept. Ophthalmology)
2022: Dr A. Mahfouz (Dept. Human Genetics)
2023: Dr S.P. Jochems (LUCID)

Marie Parijs Prize

The LUMC has access to an amount from the so-called Marie Paris Fund Foundation. This foundation, which derives its capital from the estate of Mr. A.H. Paris, aims to promote clinical translational research at the university, through the provision of rewards.

Eligible for a reward from the fund are:
• (teams of) medical researchers, preferably medical researchers
• Obtained a doctorate
• Preferably younger than 45 years old
• Engaging in clinical translational research, which can be characterized as “promising”

The term “medical researchers” should be interpreted broadly: employees employed by the UL, the LUMC and the indirect and contract funding organizations may be eligible for the reward.
The prize consists of an amount of € 2500,-.

The LUMC has access to an amount from the so-called Marie Paris Fund Foundation. This foundation, which derives its capital from the estate of Mr. A.H. Paris, aims to promote clinical translational research at the university, through the provision of rewards.

Eligible for a reward from the fund are:
• (teams of) medical researchers, preferably medical researchers
• Obtained a doctorate
• Preferably younger than 45 years old
• Engaging in clinical translational research, which can be characterized as “promising”

The term “medical researchers” should be interpreted broadly: employees employed by the UL, the LUMC and the indirect and contract funding organizations may be eligible for the reward.
The prize consists of an amount of € 2500,-.

Laureate 2023

The Marie Parijs Prize 2023 is awarded to Dr Anna Roukens (LUCID). The Selection Committee believes that Dr Anna Roukens is a very strong laureate for this Prize, with a fantastic CV.

2000: Dr. J.J. Bax (Dept. Cardiology)
2001: Dr. H.J. Lamb (Dept. Radiology)
2002: Dr. J.M. van der Laar (Dept. Reumatology)
2003: Dr. N.A. Gruis (Dept. Dermatology)
2004: Dr. R. Offringa and Dr S. van der Burg (Dept. IHB)
2005: Dr. P. Steendijk (Dept. Cardiology)
2006: Dr. M.H. Vermeer (Dept. Dermatology)
2007: Dr. A.J. Gelderblom (afd. Clinical Oncology)
2008: Dr. N.R. Biermasz (Dept. Internal Medicine)
2009: Dr M. Kloppenburg (Dept. Reumatology)
2010: Dr S.C. Cannegieter (Dept. Clinical Epidemiology)
2011: Dr A.H.M. van der Helm-van Mil (Dept. Reumatology)
2012: Dr H.H. Versteeg (Dept. Trombosis and Hemostasis)
2013: Dr M. Nielsen (Dept. Clinical Genetics)
2014: FOCUS-team (Dr W. van de Water, Drs N.A. de Glas, Drs M. Kiderlen, Dept. Surgery)
2015: Dr F.A. Klok (Dept. Trombosis and Hemostasis)
2016: Dr S.A.M.J. Lesnik Oberstein (Dept. Clinical Genetics)
2017: Dr M. Wermer (Dept. Neurology)
2018: Dr Y.K.O. Teng (Dept. IM-Nephrology)
2019: Dr H.U. Scherer (Dept. Reumatology)
2020: Dr M. van der Burg (Dept. Pediatrics)
2021: Dr T. Bosse (Dept. Pathology)
2022: Dr E.M. Winter (Dept. IM-Endocrinology)
2023: Dr A.H.E. Roukens (LUCID)