Associate Professor J.T. (Jenny) van der Steen
Area(s) of expertise:
Epidemiology, Methodology, Research on dementia care, Research on end-of-life care
Epidemiology, Methodology, Research on dementia care, Research on end-of-life care
Jenny T. van der Steen, MSc, PhD, FGSA, is an epidemiologist and Associate Professor at LUMC, senior researcher at Radboudumc Nijmegen, the Netherlands and visiting full Professor at King’s College London, UK. She studies how to improve care at the end of life, in particular for persons with dementia and their family. The research covers palliative care including advance care planning and non-pharmacological interventions. She has been awarded national and European prizes and personal career awards from NWO and ERC. She has chaired EAPC task forces on palliative dementia care, on advance care planning in dementia, and is currently co-chairing the Interdem task force on Palliative and end of life care. She aims to improve life for persons with dementia and their family caregivers through implementation of findings form optimized research design, employing rigorous quantitative, qualitative and mixed methods, preferably in international comparative and with parallel methodological work.
Scientific research
End of life is part of the Lifecourse theme.